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[Music] doesn't this mail piece appear to be handwritten at pft leads we create custom direct mail packages utilizing the industry's most exciting new pinpoint font software each package is genuinely pinned with a real ink pen with one of pft's proprietary autobot signing machines in simple terms we replicate handwriting that communicates a personal touch to each and everyone who receives your meal package and why is this important because usps studies show that handwritten mail gets opened virtually 100 of the time think about how many mail pieces a homeowner receives every day in their mailbox less than one percent of those mail products are produced by an autobot signing machine so this means your mail piece stands out an impersonal cookie cutter mail piece quickly winds up in the trash with all the other junk mail but your handwritten personalized message gets noticed and more importantly opened read and responded to and with our pinpoint technology font software your mail pieces can be customized even more autobot products don't just get opened they get results with two to three times more responses over traditional mail our customers tell us that pft's auto pin packages outperform all their other marketing efforts so join response nation and start tripling your roi [Music] today.