Send Handwritten Mail in minutes
100% real handwritten letters, notes, and cards at unbeatable prices with no subscription or minimum order.
Real Pens on Real Paper
Our Autopen mail pieces are created using real pens on high-quality paper. Even though we use robots to write our mail, our state-of-the-art font technology guarantees an incredibly lifelike appearance, flawlessly imitating human handwriting. This makes creating genuine and meaningful connections easier than ever before.

The all-in-one mail solution

You Type
We Write
We Mail

Hit your target audience
Target your mailing at an audience that is most likely to respond. We help you build your list with precision and accuracy, ensuring that your mail reaches the right people at the right time. We offer a variety of filters to help you narrow down your audience and reach the people who matter most. Like the following:
Skyrocket your response
When switching from a traditional mail piece to a handwritten one. Our customers see a major surge in response rates. This is due to the personal touch that a handwritten mail piece provides. It's a simple way to make a big impact.
Start your journey now

Bring your ideas to life
Complete Customization
AI Powered
Pre-made Templates
Proven to have a positive impact on response, engagement, and satisfaction
There are multiple factors that come into play when comparing a handwritten mail piece to a traditional one. The personal touch and authenticity of a handwritten mail piece make it stand out in the mailbox. This leads to higher open rates, increased response rates, and a more engaged audience.
Success Stories
Read first-hand stories from our customers who have used PFTLeads to grow their business and relationships in unique ways. Click on the cards below for more information.

Industry-specific solutions for your business
Join others who have re-invented their outreach